Monday, January 16, 2012

More New Year's Goals by Molly

A new year means new goals. Whether your goals are for sports or academics, they are important to make 2012 a better year for you.  Your goals should be based on what you want to achieve, so make them personal and special. Some ideas are making a basket in your basketball game or doing better in a subject you have been struggling with. A new year is like a new beginning, so make sure you set high goals for yourself!

Black History Month by Michael

Hi there, St. Mary's,
Along with Valentine’s Day, Black History Month occurs every February in the United States. It was originally “Negro History Week” and was started in 1926 by Carter G. Woodson, a historian whose goal was to teach people about the history of African-Americans. It is now a time to honor the African-American race’s achievements and to learn about their culture then and now.

A Fun Year by Logan

Hello St. Mary’s Students!
I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas Break, but now we are back in school and 2012 is going to be a great year. On March 9th we have the last Spirit Day of the school year so let’s make it a good one!

Good Choices by Kathryn

Hey Cougars,

Happy New Year! The Student Council wants to make sure that this year you make the right decisions so you can have fun. Here are some tips to help you get started:

1.     Follow school rules-
   Remember to walk in the hallways and wait your turn in lines!
2.     Be nice to teachers and parents-
Try saying thank you to hot lunch moms when they give you your food!
3.     Make good choices in class-
 Make sure you stay quiet in class, listen to the teacher, and participate.

Fruit of the Holy Spirit by Julia

“Your faithfulness makes you trustworthy to God.”
-Edwin Louis Cole

“Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.
- Mother Teresa

Self Control
“The best rulers are those who know how to rule themselves.”

Confidence in the goodness of another is good proof of one's own goodness.”
-Michel de Montaigne

Love the Environment by Josie

Hey cougars!  
Valentine’s day is coming up, so make sure to show your love for the environment by helping the earth. You can use alternates to plastic and recycle, clean up trash, or something as easy as throwing your lunch bag away when you're finished. Keep the Earth clean!

New Year, New Beginning by Helena

Happy New Year, Cougars!

As you know, it is a new year. If you have done something you're not proud of doing, you can leave it behind because you have a brand new start. As we enter the journey of 2012, you can set goals or make a new year's resolution. Maybe you're not really thinking in terms of resolutions for this new year, but more about fine-tuning your behaviors, attitudes, and outlook to affect the kinds of changes you want to bring about in different aspects of your life. For instance, you can work harder in school or sports as we begin the year of the dragon.

Sleeping Tips by Francesca

Hey Cougars! 
As the new year is here, make sure to keep up to speed with all your work, but to get enough sleep also. It is said that children need eight to twelve hours of rest per night, so make sure to get just that because sleep deprivation is hard to make up. Too much sleep loss can cause an illness in the body with you ending up sick. Sleep loss can also lead to other problems such as not being able to focus and even more severe problems such as growth deficiencies. Be sure to sleep as much as needed every night to ensure a healthy and happy day!

Healthy Choices by Elizabeth

Hey St. Mary's,
Here are some tips on how to have a healthy lifestyle this Winter/Spring season:

·    Choose fruits instead of cookies for a sweet treat.

·    Drink approximately 8 cups of water per day.

·    Play outside for at least 60 minutes a day.

·    Get a minimum of 9 hours of sleep a night

·    Wash your hands with soap and warm water after you use to the restroom, before you eat or prepare food, before and after you touch your eyes or nose, after you play outside, and after you play with animals. 

Valentine's Day Tips by Clare

Hey Cougars!

            Around Valentine’s Day is the time to show your love and appreciation for the people in your life. Here are a few tips on how to show gratefulness this season:
  •        Give hugs! Whenever I get a hug, it makes my day.
  •        Write thank you notes. It is always nice to know that people appreciate what you do for them!
  •        Give lots of compliments instead of putting your friends down. No one likes it when they are called names; so instead, say what you like about your friends. 

These are only three of the many ways you can show people you love and care about them. Make sure you especially show your teachers, parents, and coaches how much you appreciate them because they put so much time and effort into your learning.

Sports Prayer by Charlie

Hey Cougars!
It’s Charlie Laurencio, your Athletics Commissioner.
As the new basketball season is underway, I want to wish the best of luck to all teams!

This is a prayer to always keep in mind before a sporting event:

Dear God,
Please look down on us as we play today’s game.
Help us play fairly, respectfully, and always keeping You in mind.
Bless us and give us an injury-free game with lots of fun.

Friendship by Caroline

What is friendship? What does Friendship mean to you?

When I say the word “friendship” it makes me think of love and trust.
The definition of friendship is 'the emotion, or conduct of friends; the state of
being friends'. Another meaning is ‘a state of trust and support between
nations’. I think of my family as a nation. We support each other in every way
possible, and we love each other very much. You know you have a friend
when you can trust them, support them, love them, and respect them, and
they will do the same for you.

At St. Mary’s, we have many friendships with each other. You can still
become a friend with someone who is not the same age as you; you can be
friends with not only your classmates but with your teachers, your parents, and
other people that matter to you. One of our deepest friendships is with God.
God is not only our friend, but he is our family. "Friends in Christ are
friends forever," (–unknown). This quote reminds me that those who trust in
Christ are trusting in you and they are true friends because they believe in
Christ who is always with you lighting the way along the Journey.

Father Rick's Birthday Bash!

Santa Photos!