Sunday, October 16, 2011

Lost and Found by Molly

Hey St. Mary's students. As some of you know, I am in charge of lost and found on every last Friday of the month. Making sure you get all of your stuff back is my goal but it has been pretty difficult so far this year. Just this last month, ten sweatshirts went to the used uniform closet. You may think that that is unfair, but I didn’t know whose sweatshirts they were.

            How can you prevent this from happening? It’s simple. LABEL EVERYTHING!!!! It makes it easier for you and me and almost guarantees you won’t lose your uniforms. So, what are you going to do when you read this? Make a clear, legible label onto your sweatshirts, lunch boxes, skirts, maybe even your pants! Whatever you wouldn’t want to lose, label.


1 comment:

  1. Great advice Molly! I hope more clothes find their way home and less end in L&F.
    Mrs. Halbert :)
